Celebration of International Nurses Day 2014
Each year, May 12 is the date designated to appreciate and celebrate the hard work of nurses all around the world. The International Council of Nurses commemorates this important day of each year with a theme. The theme for 2014 is Nurses: A Force for Change – A vital resource for health. As the theme states nurses are integral part of health care system, they are touching lives of so many people by providing services at all points of health care. Nurses take great responsibility to improve health of the population as well as to contribute towards achievement of global development goals. According to International Council of Nurses (ICN), the World Health Assembly has repeatedly recognized the essential need for strengthening nursing and midwifery services in achieving better health for individuals, families and communities.
IND kit released by the ICN for marking Nurses’ Day had incorporated a bigger picture of the nursing workforce, the gap between supply and demand for nurses, highlighted the importance of workforce planning and the link to patient safety, how to measure nurses workload and plan for safe staffing. In addition, the kit highlighted on the importance of improving work environment as it is the key aspect for improving patient safety and the quality of nursing care. Evidence from studies has shown that positive work environment has link with nurses work satisfaction, reducing turnover and improving care outcomes. Moreover, organizations that priorities staff health and well-being perform better, with improved patient satisfaction, stronger quality scores, higher levels of staff retention and lower rates of sickness absence.
To mark International Nurses Day, the nurses of ADK Hospital arranged and conducted variety of programs. Nurses’ day badge, which was designed by Staff Nurse Mirubah, was worn by all staff for a week. Educational poster competition based on themes was launched, the winners are: Senior Staff Nurse Gr1. Jino & Senior Staff Nurse Reign for steps for IV cannulation, Clinical Nurse. Joy & Staff Nurse Gr1, Jincy for infection control measures, Staff Nurse Mirubah for Antenatal exercises. For strengthening nurses teamwork, gift exchange activity was held on 12th May, as a result of this each nurse received nurses day gift according to their wish list. Focused for the public “Eat Healthy-Be Active” health promotional activity was conducted on 11th May in the hospital lobby from 9am to 12pm, 190 people received the services including BMI & blood pressure checking and health education about healthy eating and to be active. As a part of nurses day celebration annual nurses award giving ceremony was held. In the ceremony awards were given to nurses who had 100% attendance to work in 2013, nurses who had best attendance to continuing nursing education sessions and other recognitions were announced and certificates were given.
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